School Plan


RABI is developed based on the theory of special needs that pertain to autistic patients. Through social robots, RABI courses reduce the severity of autistic people from 3 to 18 years old and increase the social and behavioral functions of autistic people. So far, more than 20 local and Macau non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and (mainstream / special needs) schools have adopted RABI and benefited from it. Their positive comments include "greatly improved students' verbal and non-verbal communication" and "application of acquired skills to students' daily lives." The government has also identified that the RABI course is an innovative and successful autism support method. Since 2015, RABI has provided 950 people with autism aged 3 to 18 in Hong Kong and Macau with a large number of social and behavioral skills training, including self-care, social dialogue and vocational skills.

Rabi 課程




In the event of sudden and/or unforeseen events, in-person teaching will be replaced with online teaching.

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Subscription Plan

機哥伴小星®(RABI) 以實証研究及科技支援自閉症學童,全港首創,在香港中文大學研發並在智趣伴星途有限公司獨家提供.

RABI 是根據自閉症患者的特殊需要理論而開發的,通過社交機器人,RABI課程降低了3至18歲自閉症人士的嚴重程度,增加了自閉症人士的社交及行為功能。

以下現在或過去的非政府組織/學校訂閱了我們為他們量身定制的機哥伴小星® RABI 課程:
• 仁濟醫院何式南小學
• 佛教志蓮中學
• 香海正覺蓮社佛教陳式宏學校
• 聖公會基樂小學
• 東莞工商總會張煌偉小學
• 道教青松小學(湖景邨)
• 聖公會阮鄭夢芹小學
• 粉嶺公立學校
• 救世軍石湖學校


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Payment Methods
銀行過數   轉數快  PayMe 付款