RABI (Robot for Autism Behavioral Intervention)

We use social robots to teach social and communication skills to children with autism. We aim to teach them social skills such as joint attention, mental interpretation, eye contact and appropriate behaviors in various situations. We also program social robots to strengthen the language communication skills and self-care skills of children with autism.

Why social robots? What good do robots do?

  • Programmable
  • Predictable
  • Repeatable
  • Emotion-free
[Social Motivation Theory of Autism, Chevallier , 2012; Intense World Theory, Markham & Markham, 2010 ]

Unlike human teachers, robots can tirelessly and repeatedly teach children with autism without being affected by emotions; thus, greatly reducing the anxiety of autistic children and greatly enhancing their learning motivation.


Robot for autism behavioral intervention



Service Target:People with autism aged 3 to 18

RABI is developed based on the theory of special needs of autistic patients. Through social robots, RABI courses reduce the severity of autistic people from 3 to 18 years old and increase the social and behavioral functions of autistic people.

[So et al. (2016; 2018a; 2018b; 2019a; 2019b; 2020; 2021a; 2021b) Research in Developmental Disabilities; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Disabilities and Rehabilitation; Molecular Autism; Journal of Computer Assisted Learning]


Parents' Survey Feedback: RABI helps to...


So far, more than 20 local and Macau non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and (mainstream / special needs) schools have adopted RABI® and benefited from it. Their positive comments include "greatly improved students' verbal and non-verbal communication" and "application of acquired skills to students' daily lives."

School Teachers' Survey Feedback: RABI helps to...

RABI 學校問卷回饋

Customized courses:
The instructor will formulate a suitable course theme according to the students' abilities and needs. The themes include emotional cognition and interpretation, dialogue and communication, social behavior, narrative skills, sex education, how to deal with bullying, etc.

RABI 社交機械人