

蘇詠芝 中大教育心理學系教授

香港中文大學(中大)研究及知識轉移服務處(研轉處)於2019年發行「自家製」刊物Cubic Zine,希望藉定期的學人專訪、環球社創案例分享及業界最新消息等相關內容,鼓勵更多校內外人士認識社會創新,共創社會影響。
本書收錄Cubic Zine文章,結集20多位中大學者的精華故事。本書由「創新思維」啟航,繼而穿梭「弱勢社群」、「身心健康」、「人與環境」及「生活文化」各個脈絡,專訪人物橫跨多個學系,包括人類學、心理學、教育心理學、語言學、物理學、電子工程學、建築學院、公共衞生學院、新聞與傳播學院及生命科學學院,展現中大多元的研究領域所帶來的影響。

All things are difficult before they are easy – this year’s certainly off to a rough start! The SoCUBE team genuinely wishes every one of you a healthy Year of the Rat!

May our feature stories warm you up amid the harsh winter and invigorate you with some positivity! Let us care for our local society and global village through social innovation.

#RobotsAndAutism #Psychology

Scholar-Social Innovator → LOCAL

萬事起頭難,今個農曆新年,大家經歷了一個最難的年頭!SoCUBE團隊衷心祝福各位鼠年大吉,身體安康,百毒不侵 !

在這艱難的寒冬,我們希望藉着Cubic Zine有溫度的專題內容,給你帶來一些正面的衝擊和啟發。來年與我們一起關心本土,關注環球,投入社創。

#機械人與自閉症 #心理學

學人搞社創 → LOCAL

“I found the essence of studying in psychology”: Prof Catherine So founds social enterprise for children with autism

Prof Catherine So, Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK (Photo: SoCUBE)

“Taking psychology hadn’t been a keen decision, who could’ve known it’d be love at first sight? I’m over-sensitive – that’s both good and bad. Sometimes I overthink. (I would question) why certain things happen, why people act in certain ways. This is psychology, the scientific study of human mind and behaviours.”

Graduating from CUHK, earning a PhD under “the mother of gestures” at the University of Chicago, then teaching at the National University of Singapore for 5 years… why did Catherine choose to return? How did her breakthrough in research come by, which prompted her to set up a social enterprise for children with autism?

Read the full interview

Epilogue: “Struck dumb!” TCM practitioner on meeting families with autism for the first time


Science and Technology for Autism Remediation (STAR) at a glimpse

開社企伴「星孩」 蘇詠芝:心理學讓我尋回讀書的意義



「中六開始修讀心理學,一開始好像是被逼,但料想不到一讀就愛上。我是一個over-sensitive的人,有好也有不好處,有時會想太多。(我會想)為何會發生這件事,為甚麼人會這樣做。這就是心理學,the scientific study of human mind and behaviours。」



番外篇:回想初接觸自閉症家庭 山東土生土長中醫師:太衝擊了!



Founding year: 2015, becoming a social enterprise in 2019
Founding team: Prof Catherine So (Department of Educational Psychology) and educational psychologist Dr Sarah Luk
Mission: To serve children with ASDs and their parents through professional assessment, therapy, counselling, community education, as well as innovative technologies; committing to research and building big data for designing and implementing personalised intervention
Members: Personnel trained in SEN, clinical psychologists, speech therapists, and those concerned for ASD individuals

Sensory integration|Scholarly Keyword





“Some children with ASDs got issues with sensory integration. If they find it noisy, like hearing thunder, they hit their heads with brute force. Some deformed their skulls as a result. I came across one student – his skull was dented on both sides (from prolonged hitting),” Catherine recalled.

She explained that when externally stimulated, these children may go out of control and even harm themselves. How do robots help? “One student learned to ‘cover his ears’ after the robots repeatedly demonstrated to him the gesture, his self-harming behaviour abated.”

