#676集 辛巧琪 社交機械人助自閉症學童-機哥伴小星 


香港中文大學教育心理學系教授 蘇詠芝
智趣伴星途 Amber

智趣伴星途 Daphne


24/04/2022 – 足本 Full (HKT 12:04 – 13:00)







其實,對話的是兩個社交機械人,是「機哥伴小星」(RABI, Robot for Autism Behavioral Intervention)計劃的課堂助手,協助導師教導自閉症小朋友社交技巧。當中,「小星」的角色是模擬自閉症小朋友常見的行為,讓自閉症孩子透過觀察,明白自己平時與別人互動時的樣子,從而學會如何改善自己的社交行為和技巧。


多年來,團隊致力研究改善自閉症學童的社交能力,累積了大量研究成果及為非政府機構及學校服務的成功經驗,包括於2016年獲社創基金資助,開展「機械人提升自閉兒童社交技巧」的應用研究項目,透過機械人話劇治療提升自閉症兒童的社交和學習能力;以及得到創科生活基金資助,開發20 集機械人戲劇節目,為自閉症兒童進行行為訓練。

疫情下, RABI團隊獲得社創基金資助,推出「網上與居家機哥伴小星」項目,讓三至六歲自閉症小朋友可以透過網上及居家訓練,在疫情期間得到持續學習的機會,訓練日常社交及行為技巧。蘇詠芝教授感激社創基金疫情下的資助,讓自閉症學童及其家庭得以受惠:「其實幫助這班學童某程度上也是在幫助家長們,因為家長們在家中照顧學童時壓力很大,所以,當學童在網上吸收了社交技巧的知識,而且能應用出來時,會讓家長的壓力大減。」

歡迎觀看由社創基金製作的影片《突破常規  創造社會價值:網上與居家機哥伴小星》,了解該項目詳情:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd5TgJz88q8





社交機械人配備語音識辨功能,配合語言資料庫及教學課程, 讓機械人可以跟自閉學童對話。


蘇教授表示:「收到禮物要說『多謝』,聽人說話時眼晴要望向對方,這些都是很多早在兒時已懂得的基本社交技巧。可是,自閉症兒童則不然,他們有表達困難及社交障礙。家長或真人教師不斷重複教導自閉症小朋友時,難免會出現不耐煩表情或語氣,這樣會令小朋友的判斷產生誤差, 令他們更加緊張和焦慮,影響學習表現。」



引入話劇表演 提升星孩社交能力






● 香港資訊及通訊科技獎:智慧市民(智慧教育及學習)金獎(2021)
● 國際自閉症研究學會「國際領袖」(2021)
● 中大傑出研究學者獎(2018、2016、2013)


The Speech Therapy Department under The Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and CUHK College of Education will hold an [Autism Intervention: Alternative Treatment with Social Robot] on August 28. Speakers include Professor So Wing Chee, Professor Lee Yuet Sheung, Professor John-John Cabibihan and the Rotary Club of HK Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School. They will explain the communication barriers of children with autism and share the application of social robots. The details of the activities are as follows:

Date: [Webinar (attend only 1 session)] Nov 22, Dec 14, Jan 20, Feb 19

[Workshop (attend only 1 session)]: Nov 27, Dec 18, Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 26, Apr 30
[Practical training (attend only 1 session)] To be confirmed (June - July 2022)

Venue: (Workshop & Practical Training) The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Target participants: Registered speech therapists in Hong Kong

Language: Cantonese / English

Registration Fee: Free of charge (Deposit HKD 500; to be fully refunded to those who complete the whole course)

Note: After completing the whole training, you are eligible for a completion certificate and 4.5 CPD-ST points accredited by the HKIST.

Please direct your enquiries to:
Miss Evelyn Lau (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Telephone: 3943 0851 / WhatsApp: 6825 8138


HONG KONG, April 22 (Reuters) – A Hong Kong professor has developed an educational programme using role-playing robots to help children with autism improve their social skills, part of an initiative adopted by non-profit groups and schools.

The programme, Robot for Autism Behavioral Intervention (RABI), is designed for people with autism between the ages of 3 and 18, and aims to help them be more social and to resolve issues such as conflicts and bullying.

Catherine So, associate professor of educational psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, told Reuters more than 1,200 children have used the programme since its 2015 launch.

“Individuals with autism have low motivation to interact with others, and hypersensitivity to the world around them,” So said. “So we use the social robots to teach them social skills in order to reduce their anxiety.”

The robots engage the children with role-playing and verbal interaction. A typical class involves two small robots acting out social scenarios on a table top, helping the children see the difference between appropriate and unacceptable behaviour such as tantrums or screaming.

Muse Wong, 41, said her 5-year-old daughter has been in the programme for seven months and her social and communicative skills have improved vastly.

“She has started to have some degree of social life”, Wong said.

After interacting with the robots, the children are encouraged to try out their social skills with a human tutor.

More than 20 non-profit groups financed by governments and public schools in Hong Kong and Macau have adopted the programme. So hopes the project will help fight against exclusion.

“We believe RABI can help children with autism improve their social and behavioural skills, and in turn enhance the quality of their life”, she said.

Reporting by Yoyo Chow; Editing by Karishma Singh and Gerry Doyle
Catherine & bots

New website!

The establishment of a social enterprise is always different from the academic research done by our beloved founder. In order to share new ways we serve children with autism, our website is revamped and launches today to assist more children with autism.

Our new website is called star-autism.com: STAR is the abbreviation of our social enterprise (Science and Technology for Autism Remediation Limited), and "autism" is the keyword that will help parents of autistic children with autism, when they search for guidance online, find and remember us.


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Research team cooperates with NECHK

We held a press conference on May 28 to announce the cooperation between our affiliated CUHK Hong Kong Institute of Education and NECHK. We also announced the launch of a robotic intervention program for children with autism. We are beyond grateful to the guests for participating in our press conference.

Parent Briefing Session 2018

Our parent briefing session has concluded. We greatly thank the parents for their time and effort to participate in our briefing. Since many parents have signed up for our services, there are only a few vacancies left. Hence, we will end our registration on May 18. Parents who have signed up should bring their children to receive pre-service assessments on time.